Write a Just-Because Letter?

pxhere, CC0, Public Domain
Source: pxhere, CC0, Public Domain

Time was when many people took the time to write letters for no particular reason, just-because. Such letters took more time than an email because they were handwritten, perhaps even with the envelope sealed with sealing wax.

Even today, imagine how you’d feel if you received such a letter from someone near and dear—or perhaps even more enticing—from someone far and long-lost.

For some people, the art of letter-writing is so lost that perhaps a couple samples might be helpful in getting your ball rolling.

Dear John,

Somehow, you popped into my head—Maybe it was that good talk we had a few Thanksgivings ago when I was having job problems. Fortunately, despite the COVID economic collapse, my job seems secure, at least for now.

I’m just writing because I’m finding myself with a little more time amid the COVID Stay-the-Hell Home edict, so I thought I’d reach out to a few not-quite-friends whom I like but haven’t connected with in a long time.

I’ve always envied your calm, wry demeanor, rather the opposite of my probably too energetic self. But if you feel like a chat sometimes, let’s Zoom or, heaven forbid, go old-school and talk  on the phone. My email address is dave339@gmail and my phone number is 510-111-1111.

In any event, I’m hoping your worklife and, indeed, your personal life is doing well.

Dear Sandy,

Has it been five years already? I’m now in another committed relationship but find myself curious as to how you are: your art, your kids, your parents—I recall they were already starting to have some health problems.

Amid the COVID lockdown, I’m actually working more than ever. Frankly, I’m rather Zoomed-out. The good news is that having to stay at home, my garden has never looked better. Remember when I used to cut you wildflowers from my yard? Well, now, it’s a veritable flower carpet.

If you feel like writing back or even catching up by phone or, yes, Zoom, I’d enjoy that.


An experiment

If you email me a just-because letter, I promise to email you back. You can email me via this page on PsychologyToday.com. Or, include your snail-mail address with your letter and I’ll send you one handwritten on nice paper and in an envelope sealed with sealing wax.

I read this aloud on YouTube.

The COVID lockdown may afford time for this forgotten treasure
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