Wednesday Ramblings

I have been MIA for a few days because I’ve picked up some freelance coaching work. It has been nice to get back to working with teachers again, but it has definitely taken up my time this week. Since I haven’t really been doing anything that’s truly blog-worthy this week, today I’m sharing a few random ramblings from life lately…

  • I’ve lost 16 pounds so far on keto! I seriously feel like I have a whole new body. I don’t know if you can tell too much in person, except for in my face, but I can definitely feel the difference in how my clothes fit and how my body moves. I keep worrying I’m going to mess everything up, though! It’s like having a new toy and being afraid I’m either going to break it or lose it! Last night, we went to Olive Garden for dinner and even though I just had the soup and salad, the whole time I was thinking, “Please don’t let this meal ruin everything! I’ve worked so hard!” (You can read more about my keto journey here, here, and here,.)
  • Big Molly is on the struggle bus lately. We took her to the vet last week because we thought she might have a UTI. She was drinking a TON of water, all day and all night. And she was having little accidents when she slept (which isn’t entirely new, but it was definitely more frequently). They did a urine test on her (if you follow me on Instagram, then you might remember the infamous soup ladle urine sample collection debacle… Molly still won’t make eye contact with me…), but it came back clear. So, either she drank enough to flush her own system out or it wasn’t a UTI. We still put her on antibiotics for a UTI, though, just in case. But aside from that issue, she is also moving so much slower these days. And her cognitive processing takes a lot longer. It almost seems like she might have had a stroke? For example, when we put her food down for her, she just kind of stands there for a minute (or three…) before she actually seems to understand that it’s food for her to eat. Or when we open the door to let her out, which is happening more and more because the dog door bothers her hips, she will just stand there staring at the door for a minute (or three…) before it seems to register that “Oh, yeah! I go outside through this door!” We are trying to balance our love for her and wanting her to be with us with the fact that her body is getting old and we don’t want her in pain (she’s 13 years old). It’s a hard line to walk. Prayers would be appreciated – for us AND for Big Molly.
  • We are building another little library for our yard (and by “we,” I mean Chris). We have had such success with the one the family gave me for Mother’s Day that we physically can’t hold everything. Chris has made a second box that will be a kids box to go next to our current one, which will become the adult box (that sounds way too dirty for a library!). We are going to put the kids box at a much lower height, too, so that kids can see in it easier. I’ve seen so many kids out there on their tiptoes, trying to peer into the box. Now, they’ll have one their own size! I can’t wait for it to go up! Hopefully, this weekend! You can read all about our library here.
  • You guys. YouTube. I’m obsessed. I seriously watch YouTube way too much for a grown ass woman. I’m embarrassed. You know what I’m watching? Cleaning videos, planning videos, and painting videos. Three of the lamest things on YouTube, I’m sure, but I can’t stop. They are so relaxing to me! I don’t even keep the sound on for most of them. And I watch them to help me fall asleep. My favorites right now are This Crazy Life (I love her house and could watch her clean all day long!), Planning with Bumble (I always leave the sound on for these because I think Mary Ellen is so down to earth and hysterical – also her dog, Bumble, is sometimes in her videos and he just stands there with a tennis ball the entire time and it makes me laugh), Wow Art (insanely talented Thai painter), and Thomas Frank (he is a productivity YouTuber and he makes me want to get shit done!). Please tell me I am not the only one with weird YouTube fetishes… Lie to me and tell me that…
  • My kids screen time usage is through the roof and I give exactly zero fucks about that. (Sorry for the language, but that’s EXACTLY how I feel.)


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